Saturday, May 2, 2015

While driving to work one early, dark and rainy morning, Bandit died.  Right in the middle of the road.  With about five cars behind her.  Just died. 

So I turned the key, she started up and I was able to drive her to a parking lot and leave her until I could get back to her later.  Luckily work is just a short walk away.

Later that day I started her up and she was running great.  I started driving and she died again.  I was puzzled, but I knew it had to be electrical.  Battery and fuel are good because she starts, and I just recently replaced the fuel filter.

I popped her hood, started her up and started jiggling around wires.  I moved some around and she died again.  I kept doing it until I pin-pointed the problem.

See the bare wires below in the red box?  They are part of the distributor switch plate.  The bare wires were shorting out on my engine block.

Instead of spending the forty-odd bucks for the replacement I decided to make my own fix.

I separated all the wires all the way up to the base and covered them in Ultra Black.  After it dried I wrapped it in electrical tape and zip-tied it to itself.

Its been about a year and I haven't had any problems with it since. 

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